Along with badges and recent replays, Nintendo also says that there is “an interloper who has been disrupting the Grand Prix, going after our fiercest competitors.” Issues fixed, and adjustments made to fighters and ARMS as well.

Version 3.2 brings a host of bug fixes and changes to the game's UI and mechanics, while also tweaking a few of the attributes pertaining to members of the. Nintendo's long-limbed arena-fighter ARMS received a pretty hefty update yesterday. The vehicle used during the Ziost Mission “On The House” can no longer be used inside of. Unstable Aberrations no longer persist through the entire Revan encounter. The Crafting UI now properly displays the stats of Premium, Prototype, and Artifact quality items. Jotnar Stormshield * Increase boost ratio from x5 to x7.

Swamplash * Double damage changed to Triple damage. Death * Increase base spell dmg from 11 to 15. Wisp * Changed Magic Link trait to Fey Bond * Mana cost increased from 9 to 10. Originally published at: The time has come for the release of the foretold 3.2 Update! Read on, adventurers! Please be aware that some platforms may take longer compared to others as the up… 3.2 Balance Changes. DS1103: An error reading the serial number of a. It corrects the following problems: ControlDesk Basic 2.1: Framework Application has to be adapted to event handling procedures Platform Management. Patch 3.2p1 is intended for the following dSPACE products on dSPACE Release 3.2, Build-No. PLEASE NOTE! If you have an older version of The Witcher 2 you need to update it to version 3.1 before. In case of any problems with the automatic patching system, please download the file manually by clicking the button below. The game will automatically update to version 3.2 via the game launcher. Click on read more to see the full changelog and notes. The goal is to transition tanks into using Vitality accessories instead of Strength ones. Vitality will affect the potency of physical attacks, and strength's effect will be reduced. A battle challenge in which you the player have to defeat a training dummy tuned to various difficulty levels. 2 min - Uploaded by World of WarcraftThis is the official trailer for patch 3.2: Call of the Crusade. Under thundering skies the tournament's participants hone the arts of war and face off. Since the opening of the Argent Tournament in northeastern Icecrown, adventurers have journeyed from across Azeroth and beyond to prove their worth in the heart of the Lich King's domain. Be sure to check them out for a comprehensive list of additions and refinements to the realm of Eorzea, including new story quests, new beast tribe quests, battle class adjustments. We are pleased to announce that the patch notes for Patch 3.2 - The Gears of Change have been released in their entirety. Patch 3.2.2 Release (US) SeptemVersion 10482 Interface.